This Is Why Virtual Events Fail To Deliver A Valuable Experience

As an event organizer, you are really good at providing unique and exciting experiences that amaze your attendees. That’s where you shine, after all. That’s where you really have the chance to influence processes.

Always think about how you can push it further with the resources at hand. Driven by that feeling you get the moment when people finally show up and begin interacting with everything you’ve planned for them.

Unfortunately, this was all taken away the moment events moved online. And so you rushed to figure out a way to provide those experiences virtually. The problem is that it’s not possible.

A different format means a different experience

Because of their own nature, online events require a completely different format. We don’t realize it because since they happen online, they are really hard to grasp visually. But trying to push a physical event into the online space is the equivalent of organizing a wedding using the format of a trade show.

Or it’s like literally translating Spanish into English, or playing basketball with the rules of golf, it just doesn’t work. It’s no wonder that people get frustrated with virtual events, pushing them to believe “virtual events don’t work”.

Fake beliefs

It doesn’t mean that they don’t work, it’s the format that doesn’t work. And it’s not your fault either. Participants everywhere want to be able to network, connect and interact. So, it’s logical that we try to find ways to emulate the physical world online.

After all, that’s what you are an expert in.

However, if your virtual event is to be truly successful, the first thing is to stop trying to replicate real-world context online to achieve a unique event experience.


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About the author

Founder & CEO of BSEEN, Juan is on a mission to help event organizers deliver professional and engaging virtual events that inspire people to take action.
