What is a story-driven virtual event?

Many companies use virtual events as business tools, particularly in the present times. Driven by accelerating their growth, they try to make a difference with live video.

But what makes virtual events differ from each other?
What makes a virtual event format better than another one?

The ultimate business solution

With story-driven virtual events, you can have a new effect on your own business and industry. And this is how you can know that is so…


Ask yourself first why you want to organize and host a virtual event?
What’s your company’s goal with that?

Seeing the connection between the event and your company’s strategy is a key element. Story-driven virtual events need a vision based on an aligned strategy and your brand.


When creating the concept of your event, you can’t exactly define the participants’ journey…

Knowing your target audience and their needs it’s crucial to lead them on their journey. For their questions, they are looking for answers to overcome their obstacles.

That’s why you need to design their virtual experience as attractive as you can.


Be aware of the virtual format of your event. Doing virtual events for the first time can make you fail to create a space for transformation.
What does it mean?

It means that virtual events need their own formats and dedicated content. Remember that your participants are consuming the content in the virtual space. Taking the well-known event content and putting it online won’t work for your virtual event.

These are three examples that make up any inspiring and valued story-driven event. Because story-driven virtual events are designed to help you attract new customers. They can also be useful to position your business as an industry leader regardless of where your customers are.


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