3 Costly Mistakes That Make Online Events Fail

It doesn’t matter if you host more online or physical events in the future, or organize events of both types. There’s one crucial element you always should take into consideration, the shifting between events formats… There are 3 very common mistakes event organizers do when planning a virtual event.

Trying to push a physical event into a virtual one. 

The problem is that the virtual space and content of events, as the expectations of your audience are completely different. Requiring a different planning strategy. It’s like you can’t organize a wedding in the format of a roadshow, because then your event is bound to fail.

What you can do about it is to see virtual events as an own type of events. You need to avoid the replication of content from the physical space online. 

Watering down the content of your event program to attract more people.

Diluting your event’s content may help you to reach participants in a wider range when organizing a physical event. On the contrary, virtual events need content that is narrowed down. That’s because people who participate in your online event are looking for content on their specific questions, problems, and interests. 

So, to give your online audience the answers to their particular questions, you need to do the opposite: Limit the event content for your target group. Because with events in virtual space you are not location-bound anymore and can reach people from all over the world. That means that you can focus on empathizing with your attendees by some specific content based on their needs. 

Delegating the event content creation to the speakers.

Participants of your virtual event consume the content delivered by your speakers. But speakers only know the content and you are the one who also knows the expectations of your audience, the spices you need to use to make your online program enjoyable and engaging for them. To bring out the flavor of your virtual event, you need to work on that together with your speakers. 

Don’t let your speakers decide about the content alone. Rehearse with them to provide valuable and consistent content for your virtual participants.

Understanding the context of the difference between virtual- and physical events is not only fascinating but also a possibility to bring your business to the next level by helping avoid mistakes.


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