Growing Your Brand Value With Live Video

Live video is completely different. Its raw, unfiltered nature puts it in a category of its own. It gives birth to the power of now, allowing real-time to transcend our minds, connecting us with those we watch.

Knowing if what we watch is happening live or it has been previously recorded changes completely the way we perceive it.

In our society, shaped by instant gratification the rules of the game have shifted. For more than a century, brands have been telling us which products to use, how, and when.

But the conversation has changed. Thanks to social media, people now have the power to interact and tell brands which products they want and how they want them.

This is why in today’s world of noise and mistrust, using live video in your campaigns will prove to be a key tool to build trust with your audience.

Whether you are looking to become a more purpose-oriented brand or attract talent, internal communication, become more transparent, or even rally people towards a cause, live video will give you the value you are looking for.

Live video gives us the feeling that what we see is unscripted, just like life. It humanizes the other, creating the space for interaction.

The space to tell their story.

Figure out what moves those around you and share their story with the world.


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About the author

Founder & CEO of BSEEN, Juan is on a mission to help event organizers deliver professional and engaging virtual events that inspire people to take action.
